I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Donna Steele - The Melting Series

Donna Steele has just re-released her 'The Melting Series' it's one of my favorites! I hope you'll go by here and check it out. And keep reading - she's hosting PK Corey as her author of the month!


I'd love a few friends to stop by. I don't know how many of her friends are into spanking stories.

1 comment:

  1. I will check it out. I know she's very good. I'll tell her I heard about it here.
    Rosie Dee
